Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Introduction Post

I decided to start this blog because I wanted to help parents who are interested in photographing and videoing their kids. When my wife and I were expecting, I ran out and bought a digital SLR, and a camcorder. Like many expecting Dads, I figured a new baby on the way was a great excuse for new electronics.  Since the purchase, I have read several books, taken a few classes, and shot thousands of photographs of kids,dogs, and other family. I hope this blog can short cut the learning for people that want to take great photos and video of their family.
I am still using the same camera body (Rebel XTi) I bought several years ago, but I have added a couple of lenses (Canon EFS 17-55 2.8 USM and SIGMA 30mm F1.4), and a flash (Canon 580EX). The lenses allow me to shoot in lowish light without a flash. But sometimes the light is too low or the kids too squirmy, and I use the 580EX since it allows me to use a flash without looking like I used a flash. I will have a future blog post on using a hot shoe clip on flash, since I think it is essential for portrait work.
I'll finish this blog post with a list of reasons why I think you should use/buy a digital SLR (and no I don't work for Canon). Feel free to use this list to convince your spouse/significant other.
  1. Better photos - on average every photo will be better.
  2. In automatic mode, it's as easy to use as a point and shoot.
  3. Works better indoors than point and shoot cameras - and a lot of kid photos take place inside. Almost any camera works well outside.
  4. Faster frame rate than point and shoots - frame rate is the number of pictures you can take in a second. Kid's don't sit still, and babies go from smiles to crying in nanoseconds. Allows you to capture that split second moment.
  5. Natural light can be simulated with bounce flash
  6. More flexibility over the look of the shot - blurry backgrounds, silhouettes etc.
Happy shooting!


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